Friday, December 17, 2010

My first 5K

I am excited and a little nervous about my decision to sign up for a 5k.  Excited because I want to do this and have wanted to for the last couple of years.  I started training back in the summer and went from being able to jog for about 5 minutes non-stop to about 25-30.  And this was during the hottest part of the year!  Then student teaching started and my routine went the way of the dinosaurs :)  But now here it is the coldest part of the year and I'm ready to get back into it.

In the past week I've done a good bit of walking but have only jogged twice.  This brings me to the part that makes me nervous-can I keep up the momentum?  I am currently not in the best shape of my life and the other day I came across photographs from about 5-7 years ago when I was much thinner.  Not that I was running races then or anything...but I looked good.  And the funny thing is, I didn't know it then.  I want to be healthy, and not just short term.  My goal now (and this is not necessarily a New Year's resolution) is to continue the walks and keep adding the jogging in until I am able to run about 40 minutes consecutively.  I have no idea how long I need to accomplish this but I'm hoping 10 weeks!

On the weekend of my birthday, there is a local 5K.  I can think of no better way to bring in my 29th year than with celebrating the accomplishment of my goal.  And my plan is that my dad will run alongside me-he just may not know it yet!  He was after all my trainer this summer and probably one of my biggest fans :)  In order to achieve my goal and run and complete that race, I need a plan and that is what I'm currently working on.  Stay tuned!